Task Template Types

Task Template Types are categories of Task Templates. On this screen, you can create, edit and delete Task Template Types.

Creating a Task Template Type

  1. Right-click a Task Template Type, or left-click a type and click the menu icon , then click Create New Template Type. This opens the Create New Task Template Type window.

  2. Complete the fields as follows:


    A two-letter code used to identify the type. This will be visible next to each task of this type on the mobile task list.


    A description of the type.

  1. Click to save the Task Template Type.

Editing a Task Template Type

Task Template Types can be edited at any time, even if they have active tasks under them.

  1. Right-click the Task Template Type you wish to edit, or left-click the type and click the menu icon , then click Edit Template Type. This opens the Edit Task Template Type window for that type.

  2. Edit the fields as necessary.

  3. Click to save your changes.

Deleting a Task Template Type

Only Task Template Types with no active tasks under them can be deleted. If you attempt to delete a type with active tasks, you will receive an error message.

  1. Right-click the Task Template Type you wish to delete, or left-click the type and click the menu icon , then click Delete Template Type. If the type can be deleted, you will receive a warning message asking if you are sure.

  2. Click to confirm the deletion.